Company slogan:
Save time, worry, and effort to help you effectively network marketing.
Company goals:
To create the first brand of domestic marketing software.
Company aim:
The interests of customers, employees' interests, to maximize the interests of shareholders, that maximize the value of the company;
The interests of customers: the use of high-quality software, attentive service and professional consultation to improve competitiveness, enhance the image of individuals and businesses;
Employee benefits: pride, job satisfaction, the level of skills and experience to continuously improve and accumulation on the level of income in the same industry, a broad space for development;
Shareholders' interests: tangible and intangible investment income.
Enterprise spirit:
Dedication, integrity, responsibility, innovation;
Dedication: the quality of the software and services, to improve the level of user network marketing, we cherish this opportunity, and we respect this profession, and we are proud of;
Honesty: Sincerity to convince people, to the interests of the user to ensure the interests of the company to achieve economic benefits, social benefits;
Diligence: our software design, development, testing, implementation, all aspects of the service are diligent attention to detail;
Innovation: Innovation is the essence of creative destruction. Innovative ways to think creatively and explore. Only by constant self-denial, self-improvement, to create a valuable product, market, and service.
Attitude is everything, details determine success or failure;
People-oriented. Respecting knowledge and personality;
CD performance, not only academic, not only qualifications, not the only past the credit;
Provide sufficient resources so that all employees can be most suited to their direction of development;
Encourage innovation, promote "performance". A sound system, norms, from the person responsible for the progress to be responsible;
Encourage pondering things "oppose" pondering "will never allow any form of" office politics ".
三元里、景泰、同德、松洲、黄石、棠景、新市、同和、京溪、永平、嘉禾、均和、石井、金沙、江高、人和、太和、钟落潭、沙面、岭南、华林、多宝、昌华、逢源、龙津、金花、彩虹、南源、西村、站前、桥中、白鹤洞、冲口、花地、石围塘、茶滘、东漖、海龙、东沙、中南、沙河、登峰、五山、车陂、天河南、员村、石牌、林和、沙东、兴华、棠下、猎德、天园、冼村、黄村、元岗、珠吉、新塘、龙洞、长兴、凤凰、前进、洪桥、广卫、北京、六榕、流花、东风、光塔、 诗书、大新、人民、东湖、农林、大东、大塘、珠光、白云、建设、华乐、梅花村、黄花岗、矿泉、登峰、赤岗、新港、滨江、素社、海幢、凤阳、龙凤、沙园、瑞宝、江海、南华西、南石头、江南中、昌岗、南洲、琶洲、官洲、华洲、红山、鱼珠、大沙、文冲、穗东、南岗、荔联、长洲、市桥、桥南、东环、沙头、洛浦、大石、小谷围、钟村、石壁、大龙、南村、沙湾、石碁、石楼、新造、化龙、新华、梯面、花山、炭步、赤坭、狮岭、花东、雅瑶、龙穴、南沙、珠江、万顷沙、黄阁、横沥、榄核、大岗、东涌、九龙、永和、夏港、萝岗、东区、联和、荔城、增江、永宁、朱村、正果、石滩、新塘、仙村、中新、派潭、小楼、街口、城郊、江埔、温泉、良口、吕田、太平、鳌头等越秀、荔湾、海珠、天河、白云、黄埔、番禺、花都、南沙、萝岗、增城、从化、珠江新城等广州地区域,无论哪里的周边附近提供高价格虫草回收、燕窝回收、鱼胶回收、洋酒回收、茅台回收、红酒回收、烟酒回收、礼品回收、冬虫夏草回收、图片展示、价格行情、热门新闻资讯栏目让您了解更多广州烟酒礼品回收业务.